Invest in your classroom

We offer MERIT certified Teacher training on Sensory Processing challenges and behaviors, feeding difficulties and motor delays. Teachers play a key role in the development and learning of a child. By supporting teachers, we hope to support children who need additional help. 

We come to your school or your chosen venue to provide the training. Our training includes presentation and handouts, hands on experience with sensory materials and we provide easy to implement tips and techniques that teachers can begin using the next day. Teachers receive certificate of completion for earning STARS hours if they need it.


Meet Darlene our speaker

I have been an Occupational Therapist for 20+ years and love working with children. Along the way, parents and teachers have asked me “how do you know when it is sensory based or just bad behavior? ” because it does look alike. With this thought and my love for teaching these training have been developed.

In these trainings, I will explain the sensory systems and how they respond to input that will make your child over active and explosive or (sometimes less distressing) under reactive and hesitant to participate in play, in the classroom and family outings. These talks include hand outs and, sensory experiential demonstrations to help understand how the child feels if they have sensory processing challenge. I incude tips and techniques that you can easily incorporate into your classrooms and every day life style the very next day.

To know more and set up a training….